If you want to continue your own blog reading streak, make sure to check out my recently published blog post "Creative Contingencies: Making Peace With My Day Job(s)" for Howlround HERE. What a pleasure it was to get to write something for their site, which is full of thought-provoking essays and articles on life as a theatremaker!
Artists U Core Principles
(Borrowed from www.artistsu.org, an amazing online and real life platform for artists, with everything from free E-books to advice on grants to a regular blog. And their materials are FREE! Their motto is "Make art. Don't starve." I can't love this enough.)
Success will either happen to me or it won’t. I am building an artistic life, not an artistic career, step by step, thinking long-term and staying responsive to changing circumstances.
No one cares about my work. Offering a strong artistic voice as widely as possible, I give citizens a chance to get close to my work.
I am competing with other artists for scarce and finite resources. The success of other artists is good for me. And mutual artistic support is worth more than money.
I need I need I need I need I need. My skills are needed in the world.
The future is scary and I don’t have time to think about it. With limited, regular planning, I work toward the art, the values, and the life that I believe in.
What I do is frivolous and I am lucky if I get paid for it. We are highly trained professionals, and the work we do, collectively, is essential in our culture. I expect to be compensated fully and fairly.
I never have enough time or money to make my work perfect. With the time and resources we have for each project, we will do the best we can.
I have to do everything I possibly can for every project, even if it kills me. No opportunity or work of art is worth the well-being of the people involved. I can say no.
I have to work all the time, with no time off. I schedule down time in my day, my week, and my year, essential to my well-being and artistic growth.
No one cares about art. The world is hungry for noncommercial experiences, for moments of focus, connection, and insight instead of the profit-driven distraction provided by the entertainment industry.
My career hasn’t followed the trajectory of Blue Man Group-Julian Schnabel-Bjork-Twyla Tharp-Kanye-my best friend. I define success for myself, and trust that impact does not correlate with fame.