How could holding life a little looser help to ease some tension?
It could be dancing in your kitchen while you cook.
Humming a song while you work.
Imagining yourself as the heroine of the movie as you face that challenge today.
Wearing something bright, as a way to say “I’m here!” Drawing on a fake mustache and taking some funny selfies.
There is no award for being so serious all the time.
There won’t be any prize for never taking a break.
But offering yourself time to imagine, play, and loosen? Oh, there are infinite possibilities in that space. Possibilities for well being, mental and physical, creativity, healing, and for experiencing yourself and the world in a brand new way.
I dare you: Allow yourself to feel heavy, guilty, unsure, and even cynical about loosening up.
Then go ahead and do it anyway. As you build your trust in being able to be more playful and at the same time, understand that loosening doesn’t equate to running away but rather being even more present and offering yourself something sweet and helpful in the moment, you just might discover a different way to live.
Anyone else have any wisdom to offer about loosening your grip and actually finding more peace and joy? 💕