Ok, a confession: I haven't actually been living underneath this giant mound that is starting to resemble a modern art installation. My fall has been one of the most full seasons in recent memory; I've started a new day job, begun teaching a brand new class of students this semester at a local college, filmed part of a short film that I wrote and am acting in, switched to a new therapist, and have been in production for a new in progress play that had a showing at the end of September. The whole experience has been wild and wonderful and though I'm sleepy, I'm happy. Being in so many new situations and simultaneously stepping back from the social media machine, I feel more full of new creative ideas than I've felt in awhile. Do I have the energy to execute said ideas at the moment? That's debatable. But boy, it feels good to feel inspired. I have so much I want to write and make and share, including a big shift I've started to have about the notion of "balance" in a creative life. But I've promised myself the early bedtime I need tonite, so all that will be a post for another day.
A few things I did want to share about some neat events happening soon:
1.) If you are anywhere near Baltimore, why not head to see my documentary play Big Work this weekend? The Baltimore Job Hunters Support Group is producing two readings of the play I co-created with Kate Marple of The Perpetual Visitors Theatre Company tonite and tomorrow at 8:00 PM as a fundraiser for their organization. You can learn more about the play here and purchase tickets over here. This is the very first time that the play is being performed by a different organization other than our theatre company, and I'm feeling a little giddy about it.
2.) If you're in Upstate New York on Saturday, November 3rd, come out and play with me and Kristy Lenuzza of Sow to Speak as we co-teach a workshop, Finding Your Voice Through Creativity! Kristy is such a dear friend and fellow creative and I'm so grateful to be co-teaching a workshop with her that's aimed at women in the workplace and explores how we can harness the power of creativity to find your voice and strengthen your communication and speaking. The session will be held in Utica, NY on November 3rd from 9-11 AM at 4 Elements Studio. You can read more about the workshop and register for the event here. I hope you'll join us!
And if you're not anywhere near Baltimore or Upstate New York but are looking for a little something to listen to this weekend, I would suggest hopping over to the Boston Podcast Players website to hear the recent episode that Kate Marple, my Perpetual Visitors Theatre Company partner and I, were featured in. Though we wrote our play Big Work more than two years ago, it was such a treat to get to sit down with Greg Lam, the founder and host of the podcast, and chat about the process of making a documentary play about the jobs we have and how they affect our ability to create the rest of our lives. I'm so thrilled to have gotten the chance to share this conversation with Greg and Kate. And? The podcast episode art makes me look like a drawing. So neat!
Take care of yourselves, Friends, and I hope you find a way this weekend to do something you love to do, that makes you feel like YOU. Because who couldn't use more of that? Looking forward to visiting this space again soon.