In our "YES!" obsessed creative culture, I am proposing that we start saying "NO!" When we say no to something that doesn't excite or nourish us, we are actually saying yes to another opportunity, though we might not even know what it is yet.
Take out the creative trash.
Take something off your plate and don't feel guilty about it.
Make room for what you REALLY want to make.
By creating space, we are telling the universe (and ourselves) that we are ready for all the inspiration, opportunity, and creativity that might be coming our way.
When we are overscheduled, overworked, short on sleep, and deprived of fun, connection, and rejuvintion, we cannot be our best creative selves.
Say NO. Do it. It feels rebelious at first. Then it feels amazing.
WIshing you a restful weekend, and thanks for listening!