"And the more I think that, I can't go through life saying that this is no big deal. I mean, this is it! This is actually happening. What do you think is interesting, what do you think is funny, what do you think is important? You know, every day is our last."
-Ethan Hawke in "Before Sunrise"
This time of year, we usually make resolutions for ourselves and I do have a list of my own that I hope to carry with me as a reminder of how I would like to approach the coming year. But for here on the blog, I want to share a resolution I have for all of you: I resolve to celebrate whatever milestones are important to YOU over the coming twelve months. And I'm not just talking marriage, first homes, new jobs, or babies, wonderful as all those things are. I'm going to celebrate anything and everything that matters to YOU, accomplishments and joys that might very well be overlooked by many people, simply because your milestone doesn't fit into whatever mold society tries to squeeze you in.
Did you cook an amazing new vegetable curry dish? I want to hear about it (and eat some). Have you written the first page of your new play or novel? Send me the pages and I will send you all my good wishes. Whether it's a new knitting project, a solo vacation you're planning, or news that you found the nerve to ice skate for the first time, please, please share these things with me. And don't forget to send all news about finding your partner, expecting your baby, and getting an awesome new job to me, too. It's all good! And by the way, let's be creative with the way we recognize and celebrate all of our joys--who says you can't throw a huge party to celebrate a book launch or send out cards to announce that you're going to add a furry friend to the family?
I am grateful to all of you for celebrating my traditional and not so traditional milestones with me and I vow to gift you the same amazing support this year.
From me and my pal Charlie, Happy 2015 Friends! As Ethan Hawke says in the quote above, life is short--it's actually happening. What's important to you?