What are you dreaming of doing? It's tempting to tell yourself that you need to plan, research, plan, and research some more before you can make your move. Who doesn't want to feel 100% prepared for something new, right? What if you dared to jump before you were "ready"? Instead of making your move when you were 100% ready, what if you went for it when you were, say, 90% ready?
In my experience, when you leap before you are totally ready, two things happen:
1. You actually do the thing you've been dreaming about. Is it even possible to be 100% ready for something, especially for something you've never tried to do before? Spoiler: it's not. In many ways, "getting ready" is just an excuse for us to put off what it is that we're dreaming of, citing a lack of readiness in order to justify why we won't just do it.
2. When we believe we are 100% prepared for something, we are less forgiving when we make a mistake, fail, or encounter a challenge that we didn't plan for. In this way, it's too easy to berate ourselves, call ourselves fools for even trying, and vow to wait even longer before starting next time. "See?" you might say, "I thought I had thought of EVERYTHING. I was 100% prepared. Then this happened. This proves I didn't plan well enough. I'm not trying this again." Ironically, when we leap when we think we're 90% ready, we are actually jumping while acknowledging the fact that we know there is 10% that we don't feel certain of. When we meet a challenge that falls into this 10%, we can greet it openly. "Ahh, there's something I didn't plan for. This is part of the 10% I didn't know or plan for. What have you got to teach me? I'm ready to learn." When you know you have a blind spot, you don't get nearly as frustrated when something pops up out of the blue.
Jumping the gap is the way that we move from safety to satisfaction. Think of how many of your heroes took a leap before they were ready. How many took a chance on something that could have failed. It's not a coincidence that so many people you know and admire who are doing really interesting things with their time here on earth tend to go for it before they know they can do it. Jumping the gap is the way to do something you've never done before.
See the gap. Mind the gap. And then push off the ground, soar over the gap, and see what awaits you on the other side.