Today I'm talking about engaging in creative conversation, with tips and tricks to help make space for the people in your life to share their news, both creative and personal, happy and painful. Have you ever shared good news with someone, only to have them reply with "That's nice!" and move on? Or send an emoji and change the subject? Ouch. Both feel pretty rough and all but shut the door on allowing you to share more about your experience. This has happened to me more than once recently. How about you?
Or, have you had a friend tell you that they started a new hobby, one you know nothing about? You want to express your excitement, but feel tongue tied and unsure of what to ask, so you just say "Great!" and bring up another topic. Has this happened to you? It's definitely happened to me.
The most generous gift we can give in conversation is the gift of genuine curiosity and support. Share this episode with anyone that you think could stand to use a little brushing up on how to really support you as you start a new creative project or weather an artistic storm, and take the tips to heart yourself---part of why I made this episode is because I needed a reminder to look for ways that I can be a more engaged listener and champion to all those amazing people that I call my creative community.
Lastly, here's the study I talk about at the end of the episode: Staying Engaged: Health Patterns of Older Americans Who Engage in the Arts Older adults who both attended arts events and engaged in art making themselves experienced seven time higher cognitive function ing that adults who didn't go to arts events or make arts themselves. Amazing.
Go make some art. Don't overthink it. As as my shirt says, "Stay curious, stay human."