Have you been told you're "too sensitive"?
Do people often tell you to "get over it" or develop some "thick skin"?
Do you laugh/cry/feel emotions at the drop of a hat (or the sound of a Sarah McLaughlin song)?
What if we've been lied to all along and being vulnerable is not a weakness to be fixed, but a superpower that can save the world and allow us to see everything in emotional technicolor? What would that mean for our lives and ability to rock the world with wonder and creativity and beauty and CHANGE?
My newest podcast episode is a must listen to for anyone who has been put down for your empathy and emotions and who needs a reminder that your own vulnerability might just mean that you are the superhero you have been waiting for.
You get ONE life and ONE you: to feel, to wonder, to create, to make the world a better place. There's not a moment to waste.
Hop on over to Spreaker or listen below to learn how you might just be the superhero you've been waiting for!